An oldie but a goodie! You think this is fuxed check out "Milkman"
An oldie but a goodie! You think this is fuxed check out "Milkman"
I lol'd
Very funny. Great art and voice acting.
This was pretty awesome. Great artwork and music went together so well! Very polished. Great job!
Very profound
Makes you think about the importance of having people around when it is your time. Thanx for this.
Yea catface!
This was great. The transition from the modern catface music to the old timey sounding music was great. Nice job!
I love zombies, glad you finished it the way any zombie attack should be. . . with the human being eaten! Great Job!
Very impressive!
Nice work
I was a little hesitant to chime in on this one, once the word racist starts being thrown around my instinct is to duck. However, I think this was a fine piece of work you did here. The music was quite fitting, and the comedy worked very well. I think those that cried racism should look up the definition of the word first before calling wolf in this case. If anything this is a display of religious intolerance not racism, as Muslim is not a race of people but a religion of people created by people. I am off topic, nice job on this! Perhaps to balance out the complainers you could make a mock piece of the Catholics and Christians? That would probably garner you more anger in the long run so never mind! Great Job!
I like this, very well done!
I like you Mr Unlikeable... WHICH IS A PARADOX!! 8O
I like things.
Joined on 11/11/10